作者:        审稿:戢俊臣        发布时间:2021-11-10        阅读量:

王强 ,教授,博士

1. 2015.7至今,四川农业大学,教授,博士生导师

2. 2013.1至今,四川农业大学,教授,博士生导师,高端引进人才

3. 2011.1-2012.12,美国弗吉尼亚理工大学,博士后

4. 2010.8-2010.12,美国爱荷华州立大学,博士后

5. 2006.8-2010.7,美国爱荷华州立大学,植物生物学,博士(Ph.D)

6. 2003.9-2006.7,贵州省中科院天然产物化学重点实验室,研究实习员

7. 2000.9-2003.6,四川大学生命科学学院,植物学,理学硕士

8. 1996.9-2000.6,四川大学生命科学学院,生物学(基地班),理学学士




1. 植物响应生物和非生物胁迫时会产生多种次生代谢产物,参与植物生长发育和对环境的适应。应用功能基因组学的方法,对其在植物体内的生物合成途径进行解析;

2. 解析这些次生代谢产物的代谢调控机制包括关键调控因子和上游信号途径,阐明作物次生代谢介导的化学防御信号转导机制,为选育具有优良环境适应能力的作物品种提供基础,同时为利用植物代谢工程和合成生物学产生具有重要价值的先导化合物提供基因资源。


四川省特聘专家,四川省学术与技术带头人后备人选。长期从事植物天然产物生物合成及应用、微生物代谢工程等方向的研究。运用功能基因组学、生物化学、分子生物学、植物学等多种研究手段对农作物萜类次生代谢产物和中草药中的活性天然产物生物合成和代谢调控进行研究,取得了一系列创新性成果,在 Plant Cell, Plant Journal, Plant Physiology等国际知名学术刊物上发表论文多篇。


1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目(2020-2023)

2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目(2017-2020)

3. 四川省特聘专家青年人才项目(2015)

4. 四川省杰出青年基金培育项目(2014-2016)

5. 四川农业大学高端引进人才启动专项




1. Pu Q, Liang, J, Shen Q, Fu J, Pu Z, Liu J, Wang X, Wang Q*. A wheat β-patchoulene synthase confers resistance against herbivory in transgenic Arabidopsis. Genes. 2019, 10(6): 441. Doi:10.3390/genes10060441. (IF= 3.191,通讯作者).

2. Shen Q, Pu Q, Liang, J, Mao H, Liu J, Wang Q*. CYP71Z18 overexpression confers elevated blast resistance in transgenic rice. Plant Molecular Biology. 2019, 100(6): 579-589. Doi:10.1007/s11103-019-00881-3. (IF=3.543, 通讯作者).

3. Shen Q, Liu L, Wang L, Wang Q*. Indole primes plant defense against necrotrophic fungal pathogen infection. PLoS One, 2018, 13(11): e0207607. (IF=2.766, 通讯作者).

4. Liang J, Liu J, Brown R, Jia M, Zhou K, Peters RJ, Wang Q*. Direct production of dihydroxylated sesquiterpenoids by a maize terpene synthase. Plant Journal. 2018, 94(5): 847-856. (IF=5.901, 通讯作者)

5. Jiang Y, Song H, He J, Wang Q*, Liu J. (2018). Comparative transcriptome analysis provides global insight into gene expression differences between two orchid cultivars. PLoS One. 13(7): e0200155. (IF=2.766, 通讯作者).

6. Li L , Fu T, Wang Qiang*, et al. GC-MS Analysis and Activity Study of the Volatile Components of Huidouba. Journal of Essential Oil Bearing Plants, 2018, 21(2): 476-484. (IF=0.493, 通讯作者)

7. Mafu S, Ding Y, Murphy KM, Yaacoobi O, Addison JB, Wang Q, Shen Z, Briggs SP, Bohlmann J, Castro-Falcon G, Hughes CC, Betsiashvili M, Huffaker A, Schmelz EA, Zerbe P. . Discovery, Biosynthesis and Stress-Related Accumulation of Dolabradiene-Derived Defenses in Maize. Plant Physiology, 2018, 176(4): 2677-2690. (IF=6.456)

8. Fu J, Liu Q, Wang C, Liang J, Liu L, Wang Q*. ZmWRKY79 positively regulates maize phytoalexin biosynthetic gene expression and is involved in stress response. Journal of Experimental Botany. 2018, 69(3): 497-510. (IF=5.830, 通讯作者).

9. Mao H, Shen Q, Wang Q*. CYP701A26 is characterized as an ent-kaurene oxidase with putative involvement in maize gibberellin biosynthesis. Biotechnology Letters, 2017, 39(11): 1709-1716. (IF=1.730, 通讯作者)

10. Wang Q, Jia M, Huh J, Muchlinski A, Peters RJ, Tholl D. Identification of a dolabellane type diterpene synthase and other root-expressed diterpene synthases in Arabidopsis. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2016, 7: 1761. (IF=4.495)

11. Ren F, Mao H, Liang J, Liu J, Shu K, Wang Q*. Functional characterization of ZmTPS7 reveals a maize τ-cadinol synthase involved in stress response. Planta, 2016, 244(5): 1065-1074. (IF=3.239, 通讯作者)

12. Fu J, Ren F, Lu X, Mao H, Xu M, Degenhardt J, Peters RJ, and Wang Q*. A tandem array of ent-kaurene synthases in maize with roles in gibberellin and more specialized metabolism. Plant Physiology, 2016, 170(2): 742-51. (IF=6.841, 通讯作者)

13. Mao H, Liu J, Ren F, Peters RJ, Wang Q*. Characterization of CYP71Z18 indicates a role in maize zealexin biosynthesis. Phytochemistry, 2016, 121: 4-10. (IF=2.547, 通讯作者)

14. Shen Q, Li L, Jiang Y, Wang Q*. Functional characterization of ent-copalyl diphosphate synthase from Andrographis paniculata with putative involvement in andrographolides biosynthesis. Biotechnology Letters, 2016, 38(1): 131-137. (IF=1.591, 通讯作者)

15. 王丽平,谌琴琴,梁瑾,杨攀攀,王强*.千里光组织培养体系的构建与遗传转化. 分子植物育种,2019, 17(18): 6000-6005. (通讯作者).

16. 杨攀攀,刘丽君,傅竞也,王畅,王强*.玉米逆境响应转录因子ZmEREB102 的基因克隆及功能鉴定. 分子植物育种,2019, 17(17): 5545-5553. (通讯作者).

17. 谌琴琴,王丽平,梁瑾,刘丽君,王强*. 千里光橙花叔醇合酶Ss NES的功能鉴定. 中国中药杂志, 2019, 44(7): 1334-1340. (通讯作者).

18. 王丽平,梁瑾,谌琴琴,王强*. 千里光qRT-PCR分析中内参基因的选择. 中国中药杂志, 2019, 44(3): 465-471. (通讯作者).

19. 王畅,傅竞也,谌琴琴,王强*. MAPK级联在玉米抗病反应和植保素代谢调控中的作用分析. 玉米科学, 2018, 26(6):39-44. (通讯作者).

20. 侯婧怡,傅竞也,赵颖,邱瑶,李聪聪,王强*. 玉米根部萜类合酶基因对干旱与激素处理的表达差异分析. 玉米科学, 2017, 25(5): 63-67. (通讯作者)

21. 谌琴琴,刘琴,李聪聪,付羽萍,王强*. 病毒诱导基因沉默鉴定穿心莲内酯生物合成关键酶ApCPS功能. 西北植物学报, 2016, 36(1): 17-22. (通讯作者)

22. 李珂,马良,杜鹏飞,王强*. 玉米萜类植保素代谢关键基因对小斑病侵染的防御响应分析. 西北植物学报, 2015, 39(9): 1776-1780. (通讯作者)

23. 谌琴琴,李丽霞,战鹏林,王强*. (2015). 穿心莲八氢番茄红素脱氢酶ApPDS的基因克隆及功能鉴定. 中国中药杂志, 40(19): 3760-3765. (通讯作者)

24. 梁瑾,王强*. (2015). 大豆橙花叔醇合酶基因克隆及功能鉴定. 中国油料作物学报, 37(6): 744-751. (通讯作者)

25. Wang Q, Sohrabi R, Tholl D. Analysis of diterpenes and triterpenes from plant foliage and roots. Methods Mol Biol. 2014, 1153: 149-59.

26. Wu Y, Wang Q, Hillwig ML, Peters RJ. Picking sides: Distinct roles for CYP76M6 and -8 in rice oryzalexin biosynthesis. Biochem. J, 2013, 454(2): 209-216 (SCI).

27. Vaughan, MM*, Wang, Q*, Webster, FX, Kiemle, D, Tantillo, D, Coates, RM, Wray, A, Askew, W, O’Donnell, C, Tokuhisa, JG, Boland, W, and Tholl, D.. Formation of the unusual semivolatile diterpene rhizathalene by the arabidopsis class I terpene synthase TPS08 in the root stele is involved in defense against belowground herbivory. Plant Cell, 2013, 25(3): 1108-25. (SCI,*共同一作)

28. Wang, Q, Hillwig, ML, Wu, Y, Peters, RJ. CYP701A8: A rice ent-kaurene oxidase paralog diverted to more specialized diterpenoid metabolism. Plant Physiology, 2012, 158(3): 1418-25. (SCI)

29. Wang, Q, Hillwig, ML, Okada, K, Yamazaki, K, Wu, Y, Swaminathan, S, Yamane, H, Peters, R.J. Characterization of CYP76M5-8 indicates metabolic plasticity within a plant biosynthetic gene cluster. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2012, 287(9): 6159-68. (SCI)

30. Wu, Y, Hillwig, ML, Wang, Q, Peters, RJ. Parsing a multifunctional biosynthetic gene cluster from rice: Biochemical characterization of CYP71Z6 & 7. FEBS Letters, 2011, 585(21): 3446-51. (SCI)

31. Wang, Q, Hillwig, ML, Peters, RJ. CYP99A3: Functional identification of a diterpene oxidase from the momilactone biosynthetic gene cluster in rice. Plant Journal, 2011, 65(1): 87-95. (SCI)

32. Swaminathan, S#, Morrone, D#, Wang, Q#, Fulton, DB and Peters RJ. CYP76M7 is an ent-cassadiene C11 alpha- hydroxylase defining a second, independently assembled diterpenoid biosynthetic gene cluster in rice. Plant Cell, 2009, 21(10): 3315-3325. (SCI)



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