1. 小麦族条锈病抗性基因的发掘与利用
2. 小麦染色体导入系的构建及其应
1. 小麦族抗条锈病基因的发掘与利用
2. 小麦染色体导入系的构建及其应用
1. Ma YU, Shuang-lin MAO, Guo-yue CHEN, Ya-xi LIU, Wei LI, Yu-ming WEI, Chun-ji LIU, You-liang ZHENG. QTLs for Waterlogging Tolerance at Germination and Seedling Stages in Population of Recombinant Inbred Lines Derived from a Cross Between Synthetic and Cultivated Wheat Genotypes. Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 2014,13(1): 31-39.
2. YU Ma, CHEN Guo-yue, ZHANG Lian-quan, LIU Ya-xi, LIU Deng-cai, WANG Ji-rui, PU Zhien, ZHANG Li, LAN Xiu-jin, WEI Yu-ming, LIU Chun-ji and ZHENG You-liang. QTL Mapping for Important Agronomic Traits in Synthetic Hexaploid Wheat Derived from Aegiliops tauschii ssp. Tauschii. Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 2014,13(9): 45-47.
3. Junyan Feng#, Guoyue Chen#, Yuming Wei, Yaxi Liu, Qiantao Jiang, Wei Li, Zhien Pu, Xiujin Lan, Shoufen Dai, Youliang Zheng*. Identification and genetic mapping of a recessive gene for resistance to stripe rust in wheat line LM168-1. Molecular Breeding, 2014,33(3): 601-609 . (共同第一作者)
4. Shi-Sheng Chen#, Guo-Yue Chen#, Cheng Yang, Yu-Ming Wei, Wen-Xiong Wu, Yuan-Jiang He, Ya-Xi Liu, Wei Li, Zhi-En Pu, Xiu-Jin Lan, and You-Liang Zheng. Identification and mapping of a stripe rust resistance gene in spring wheat germplasm HRMSN-81 from CIMMYT.Crop & Pasture Science, 2013,64: 1-8. (共同第一作者)
5. Shi-Sheng Chen#, Guo-Yue Chen#, Hua Chen, Yu-Ming Wei, Wei Li, Ya-Xi Liu, Deng-Cai Liu, Xiu-Jin Lan, You-Liang Zheng*. Mapping stripe rust resistance gene YrSph derived from Tritium sphaerococcum Perc. with SSR, SRAP, and TRAP markers. Euphytica, 2012, 185(1): 19-26, 2011.(共同第一作者)
6. Junyan Feng#, Guoyue Chen#, Yuming Wei, Yaxi Liu, Qiantao Jiang, Wei Li, Zhien Pu, Xiujin Lan, Shoufen Dai, Min Zhang, Youliang Zheng. Identification and mapping stripe rust resistance gene YrLM168a using extreme individuals and recessive phenotype class in a complicate genetic background. Mol Genet Genomics, 2015,290 (6) : 2271-2278. (共同第一作者)
7. Ma Yu, Hong Zhang, Xin-Li Zhou, Da-Bin Hou,Guo-Yue Chen*. Quantitative trait loci associated with agronomic traitsand stripe rust in winter wheat mapping population using single nucleotide polymorphic markers. Mol Breeding, 2017,37: 105.(通讯作者)
8. Xue-Lian Wu, Jian-Wei Wang, Yu-Kun Cheng, Xue-Ling Ye, Wei Li, Zhi-En Pu, Qian-Tao Jiang, Yu-Ming Wei, Mei Deng, You-Liang Zheng,Guo-Yue Chen*. Inheritance and Molecular Mapping of an All-Stage Stripe Rust Resistance Gene Derived from the Chinese Common Wheat Landrace“Yilongtuomai”. Journal of Heredity, 2016,107(5): 463-470.(通讯作者)
9. Lu Zhou, Tao Liu, Yu-Kun Cheng, Xue-Ling Ye, Wei Li, Zhi-En Pu, Qian-Tao Jiang, Ya-Xi Liu, Yu-Ming Wei, Mei Deng, You-Liang Zheng, Guo-Yue Chen*. Molecular mapping of a stripe rust resistance gene in Chinese wheatlandrace “Hejiangyizai” using SSR, RGAP, TRAP, and SRAP markers. Crop Protection, 2017, 94: 178-184.(通讯作者)
10. Xueling Ye, Yuqing Lu, Weihua Liu, Guoyue Chen, Haiming Han, Jinpeng Zhang, Xinming Yang, Xiuquan Li, Ainong Gao, Lihui Li*. The effects of chromosome 6P on fertile tiller number of wheat as revealed in wheat-Agropyron cristatum chromosome 5A/6P translocation lines. Theor Appl Genet, 2015,128: 797-811.
11. Ma Yu, Guo-Yue Chen, Zhi-En Pu, Lian-Quan Zhang, Deng-Cai Liu, Xiu-Jin Lan, Yu-Ming Wei, You-Liang Zheng. Quantitative trait locus mapping for growth duration and its timing components in wheat. Mol Breeding, 2015,35: 44.
12. CHEN Guo-yue, YANG Shi-dong, LI Wei-tao, LI Wei, WEI Yu-ming* and ZHENG You-liang*. Variations of Single Nucleotide Polymorphism (SNP) of Hordoindoline a Gene (hina) and Its Relationships with Kernel Hardness in 92 North American Barley Varieties (Hordeum vulgare L.). Agricultural Sciences in China , 2009,8(12): 1440-1447.
13. 陈国跃,陈华,魏育明,李伟,刘亚西,刘登才,兰秀锦,郑有良*.印度圆粒小麦抗条锈病新基因YrSph的遗传分析和SSR标记定位. 植物病理学报, 2011,41(6): 611-617.
14. 陈国跃,刘伟,何员江,苟璐璐,余马,陈时盛,魏育明,郑有良.小麦骨干亲本繁6条锈病成株抗性特异位点及其在衍生品种中的遗传解析. 作物学报, 2013,39(5): 1-10.
15. 邓梅,何员江,苟璐璐,姚方杰,李健,张雪梅,龙黎,马 建,江千涛,刘亚西,魏育明,陈国跃*.小麦骨干亲本繁6产量相关性状关键基因组区段的遗传效应. 作物学报, 2018,44(5): 706-715.
16. 陈国跃,姚琦馥,刘亚西,邓梅,吴文雄,何员江,余马.四川地方小麦品种条锈病抗性研究. 四川农业大学学报, 2013,31(1): 1-8.
17. 刘涛,权文彦,吴雪莲,周 露,程宇坤,姚方杰,叶雪玲,陈国跃*.四川地方小麦品种产量与品质相关性状SSR标记位点的优异等位变异遗传解析. 麦类作物学报, 2015,(4):449-456.(通讯作者)
18. 王健维,程宇坤,叶雪玲,李跃,周露,吴雪莲,姚方杰,杨柳永,刘涛,刘亚西,江千涛,陈国跃*.小麦品质相关性状的一致性数量性状位点(MQTL)连锁图谱构建. 农业生物技术学报, 2015,23 (5): 671-682.(通讯作者)
19. 苟璐璐,刘涛,权文彦,周露,程宇坤,吴雪莲,叶雪玲,姚方杰,杨柳永,陈国跃*.基于一致性QTL区段四川小麦地方品种产量和品质相关性状的遗传分析. 农业生物技术学报, 2016,24 (5): 657-666.(通讯作者)
20. Ya-Xi Liu; Xiao-Huan Sun; Bi-Ling Xu; Guo-Yue Chen*. Genetic Analysis and Molecular Mapping of Low-tillering Mutants (cul2.b and Intl.a) in Barley (Hordeum vulgare L.). Journal of Plant Sciences, 2012,7(3): 105-112.(通讯作者)
21. Ping-ping Zhuang, Qin-ce Ren, Wei Li, and Guo-Yue Chen*. Genetic Diversity of persian wheat(Triticum turgidum ssp.carthlicum) accession by EST-SSR markers. American Journal of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 2011,1(2): 223-230. (通讯作者)
22. Li-Juan Yang, Ya-Xi Liu, Bi-Ling Xu, Wei Li and Guo-Yue Chen*. Molecular Classification of Members in LMW Glutenin Family of Wild Emmer Wheat (Triticum dicoccoides, AABB). Asian Journal of Biochemistry, 2011, 6(4): 322-336.(通讯作者)
23. Xiang-Yu Long, Ya-Xi Liu, Helene Rocheleau, Therese Ouellet, and Guo-Yue Chen*. Identification and Validation of Internal Control Genes for Gene Expression in Wheat Leaves Infected by Stripe Rust. International Journal of Plant Breeding and Genetics, 2011,5(3): 255-267.(通讯作者)
24. Qi, Peng-Fei, Wei Yu-Ming; Chen Qing, Ouellet Thérèse, Ai Jia, Chen Guo-Yue, Li Wei, Zheng You-Liang*. Identification of novel α-gliadin genes. Genome, 2011,54(3): 244-252.
25. Peng-Fei Qi, Yu-Ming Wei*, Guo-Yue Chen, Qian-Tao Jiang, Ya-Xi Liu, Wei Li, Shou-Fen Dai, You-Liang Zheng*. Development of chromosome 6D-specific markers for α-gliadin genes and their use in assessing dynamic changes at the Gli-2 loci. Molecular Breeding, 2012,29(1): 199-208.
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