时间 |
姓名 |
主题 |
14:30-14:35 |
开场致词 |
14:35-14:50 |
周鑫辉 |
Rice miR1432 Fine-Tunes the Balance of Yield and Blast Disease Resistance via Different Modules |
14:50-15:05 |
杨思葭 |
Barley GRIK1-SnRK1 kinases subvert a viral virulence protein to upregulate antiviral RNAi and inhibit infection |
15:05-15:20 |
杨雪梅 |
Multilayered synergistic regulation of phytoalexin biosynthesis by ethylene, jasmonate, and MAPK signaling pathways in Arabidopsis |
15:20-15:35 |
袁炜量 |
Candidate gene screening and functional analysis of sesterterpene oxidases in Arabidopsis thaliana |
15:35-15:50 |
胡章薇 |
The receptor-like cytosolic kinase RIPK activates NADP-malic enzyme 2 to generate NADPH for fueling the ROS production |
15:50-16:05 |
尹潇潇 |
Broad-spectrum chemicals block ROS detoxification to prevent plant fungal invasion |
16:05-16:20 |
冯 辉 |
一个研究生的科研经验总结 |
16:20-16:35 |
张凯璇 |
BR正向调节因子DLT2调控水稻株型和粒型 |
16:35-16:50 |
张佶睿 |
CALCIUM-DEPENDENT PROTEIN KINASE5 Associates with the Truncated NLR Protein TIR-NBS2 to Contribute to exo70B1-Mediated Immunity |
16:50-17:05 |
李 莎 |
A VQ-motif-containing protein fine-tunes rice immunity ad growth by a hierar hical regulatory mechanism |
17:05-17:20 |
周 丹 |
DEAP1 encodes a fasciclin-like arabinogalactan protein required for male fertility in rice |
17:20-17:35 |
刘信娴 |
Plasma membrane-nucleo-cytoplasmic coordination of a receptor-like cytoplasmic kinase promotes EDS1-dependent plant immunity |
17-35-18:05 |
休息 |
18:05-18:20 |
羊 鑫 |
Flooding-induced rhizosphere Clostridium assemblage prevents root-to-shoot cadmium translocation in rice by promoting the formation of root apoplastic barriers.pdf |
18:20-18:35 |
陈 豪 |
Secretory lipid transfer protein OsLTPL94 acts as a target of EAT1 and is required for rice pollen wall development |
18:35-18:50 |
邓怡馨 |
A lncRNA fine-tunes salicylic acid biosynthesis to balance plant immunity and growth |
18:50-19:05 |
李金洋 |
“科研及竞赛经历分享” |
19:05-19:20 |
张 涛 |
Loss of Gn1a/OsCKX2 confers heavy-panicle rice with excellent lodging resistance |
19:20-19:35 |
朱 勇 |
Ca2+ sensor-mediated ROS scavenging suppresses rice immunity and is exploited by a fungal effector |
19:35-19:50 |
彭玉婷 |
RNA-Guided Genome Editing in Plants Using a CRISPR–Cas System |
19:50-20:05 |
徐 旺 |
组学工具TBtools介绍和进化树美化 |
20:05-20:20 |
颜绣莲 |
A transcriptional regulator that boosts grain yields and shortens the growth duration of rice |