1. 2021-01至今四川农业大学西南作物基因资源发掘与利用国家重点实验室 副教授
2. 2020-08至2020-12 四川农业大学西南作物基因资源发掘与利用国家重点实验室(筹) 副教授
3. 2018-03至2020-06英国约翰·英纳斯中心 博士后
4. 2017-04至2018-02美国加州学洛杉矶分校 博士后
5. 2012-09至2017-01中科院遗传与发育生物学研究所 博士
6. 2009-09至2012-06深圳大学 硕士
7. 2005-09至2009-06西华师范大学 本科
1. Xiang Lu#, Carmel M O'Neill#, Samuel Warner, Qing Xiong, Xiaochao Chen, Rachel Wells, Steven Penfield. Winter warming post floral initiation delays flowering via bud dormancy activation and affects yield in a winter annual crop. PNAS, 2022, 119(39): e2204355119.
2. Ziming Li#, Zhuo Wang#, Yin Tang#, Xiang Lu#, Jie Chen, Yu Dong, Baojun Wu, Chunying Wang, Liu Yang, Zhili Guo, Min Xue, Shun Lu, Wei Wei, Qihui Shi. Liquid Biopsy-based Single-cell Metabolic Phenotyping of Lung Cancer Patients for Informative Diagnostics. Nature Communications, 2019, 10(1): 3856.
3. Xiang Lu#, Qing Xiong#, Tong Cheng, Qing-Tian Li, Xin-Lei Liu, Ying-Dong Bi, Wei Li, Wan-Ke Zhang, Biao Ma, Yong-Cai Lai, Wei-Guang Du, Wei-Qun Man, Shou-Yi Chen, Jin-Song Zhang. A PP2C-1 Allele Underlying a Quantitative Trait Locus Enhances Soybean 100-Seed Weight. Molecular Plant, 2017, 10(5): 670-684.
4. Qing Xiong#, Biao Ma#, Xiang Lu#, Yi-Hua Huang, Si-Jie He, Chao Yang, Cui-Cui Yin, He Zhao, Yang Zhou, Wan-Ke Zhang, Wen-Sheng Wang, Zhi-Kang Li, Shou-Yi Chen, Jin-Song Zhang. Ethylene-Inhibited Jasmonic Acid Biosynthesis Promotes Mesocotyl/Coleoptile Elongation of Etiolated Rice Seedlings. The Plant Cell, 2017, 29(5): 1053-1072.
5. Xiang Lu#, Qing-Tian Li, Qing Xiong, Wei Li, Ying-Dong Bi, Yong-Cai Lai, Xin-Lei Liu, Wei-Qun Man, Wan-Ke Zhang, Biao Ma, Shou-Yi Chen, Jin-Song Zhang. The Transcriptomic Signature of Developing Soybean Seeds Reveals the Genetic Basis of Seed Trait Adaptation during Domestication. The Plant Journal, 2016, 86(6): 530-544.
6. Jianzi Huang#,Xiang Lu#, Hao Yan, Shouyi Chen, Wanke Zhang, Rongfeng Huang, Yizhi Zheng. Transcriptome Characterization and Sequencing-Based Identification of Salt-Responsive Genes in Millettia pinnata, a Semi-Mangrove Plant. DNA Research, 2012, 19(2): 195-207.