作者:        审稿:戢俊臣        发布时间:2022-01-22        阅读量:

叶代桦,博士,讲师,硕士生导师。主要从事土壤—植物体系磷资源利用及环境效应相关研究。主持(研)国家自然科学基金、四川省科技支撑计划等省部级科研课题5项。在ChemosphereBiology and Fertility of SoilsPlant and Soil、植物营养与肥料学报等国内外学术期刊发表研究论文30余篇,其中第一作者SCI论文19篇。


1. 2020-11至今 四川农业大学 作物学流动站 国家重点实验室 博士后

2. 2019-07至今 四川农业大学 资源学院 讲师

3. 2015-09至2019-06 四川农业大学 资源学院 生态学 理学博士

4. 2017-09至2018-10 西澳大利亚大学 生物科学学院 植物生理生态学 联培博士

5. 2012-09至2015-06 四川农业大学 资源环境学院 土壤学 农学硕士

6. 2008-09至2012-06 四川农业大学 资源环境学院 土地资源管理 工学学士


1. 磷富集植物资源鉴定及其富磷机制解析

2. 磷高效水稻资源鉴定及其磷高效利用机制解析


1. 国家自然科学基金委员会,青年科学基金项目,32000064,磷富集矿山生态型水蓼根际微域微生物群落结构与功能分析,2021-01至2023-12,24万元,在研,主持。

2. 国家自然科学基金委员会,面上项目,31972499,磷富集矿山生态型水蓼高效吸收磷的根系分子生理学机制,2020-01至2023-12,58万元,在研,参加。

3. 国家自然科学基金委员会,面上项目,41671323,磷富集矿山生态型水蓼活化/积累磷素机理研究,2017-01至2020-12,66万元,已结题,参加。

4. 四川省科技厅,科技支撑项目,2013NZ0044,富营养化水体及土壤磷的提取与修复关键技术研究,2014-01至2016-12,35万元,已结题,参加。

5. 四川省科技厅,应用基础项目,2010JY0083,磷富集植物磷素营养的生理生化机制及环境修复效果研究,2010-01至2012-12,5万元,已结题,参加。

6. 四川省农业农村厅和地方农业农村局,横向科研项目,测土配方施肥与耕地地力评价,2009-01至2016-12,632万元,已结题,参加。


1. Daihua Ye, Qiwei Shen, Yu Guo, et al. Sufficient nitrogen promoted high phosphorus tolerance and phosphorus-accumulating capability ofPolygonum hydropiper in relation to changes of phytohormones and phenols. Chemosphere, 2021,278, 130318. (第一作者, TOP, IF=7.086)

2. Daihua Ye, Peta L. Clode, Timothy A. Hammer, et al. Accumulation of phosphorus and calcium in different cells protects the phosphorus-hyperaccumulatorPtilotus exaltatus from phosphorus toxicity in high-phosphorus soils. Chemosphere, 2021,264, 128438. (第一作者, TOP, IF=5.778)

3. Daihua Ye, Tingxuan Li, Haiying Yu, et al. Characteristics of bacterial community in root-associated soils of the mining ecotype of Polygonum hydropiper, a P-accumulating herb. Applied Soil Ecology, 2020,150, 103477. (第一作者,二区,IF= 3.187)

4. Daihua Ye, Tingxuan Li, Jiangbo Liu, et al., . Characteristics of endophytic bacteria fromPolygonum hydropiperand their use in enhancing P-phytoextraction. Plant and Soil, 2020,448:647-663. (第一作者,TOP,IF=3.299)

5. Timothy A. Hammer,Daihua Ye, Jiayin Pang, et al. Mulling over the mulla mullas: revisiting phosphorus hyperaccumulation in the Australian plant genusPtilotus(Amaranthaceae). Australian Journal of Botany, 2020, 68:63-74. (第二作者,IF= 1.386)

6. Daihua Ye, Tingxuan Li, Yuanjun Yi, et al. Characteristics of endophytic fungi fromPolygonum hydropiper suggest potential application for P-phytoextraction. Fungal Ecology, 2019,41:126-136. (第一作者,小类二区,IF=3.99)

7. Jingyi Guo#,Daihua Ye#, Guangdeng Chen, et al.Coincidence of QTLs determining foliar phosphorus fractionation patterns and phosphorus utilization efficiency in barley under low phosphorus stress. Plant and Soil, 2019,441: 349-362. (共同一作,TOP, IF= 3.259)

8. Daihua Ye, Xizhou Zhang, Tingxuan Li, et al. Phosphorus-acquisition characteristics and rhizosphere properties of wild barley in relation to genotypic differences as dependent on soil phosphorus availability. Plant and Soil, 2018,1-2, 503-516. (第一作者, TOP, IF= 3.306)

9. Daihua Ye, Tingxuan Li, Xizhou Zhang, et al. Subcellular distribution and chemical form of phosphorus involved in alleviating phosphorus toxicity of the phosphorus-accumulatorPolygonum hydropiperChemosphere, 2018,194: 570-578. (第一作者, TOP, IF=4.427)

10. Daihua Ye#, Dan Liu#, Tingxuan Li, et al. Phosphorus accumulation characteristics in Polygonum hydropiper and rhizosphere properties affected by poultry manure application. Applied Soil Ecology, 2018,131: 12-21. (共同一作,二区,IF= 2.916)

11. Daihua Ye#, Jing Chen#, Tingxuan Li, et al. Changes in P accumulation, tissue P fractions and acid phosphatase activity ofPilea sinofasciata in poultry manure-impacted soil. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 2018,132: 72-79 (共同一作,IF= 2.718)

12. Daihua Ye, Tingxuan Li, Zicheng Zheng, et al. P uptake characteristics and root morphological responses in the mining ecotype ofPolygonum hydropiperunder high organic P media. International Journal of Phytoremediation, 2018, 20: 608-615. (第一作者,IF= 1.886)

13. Daihua Ye, Tingxuan Li, Xizhou Zhang, et al. Rhizosphere P composition, phosphatase and phytase activities ofPolygonum hydropiper grown in excess P soils. Biology and Fertility of Soils, 2017, 53: 823-836. (第一作者,TOP,IF=3.808)

14. Dan Liu#,Daihua Ye#, Tingxuan Li, et al. Practicability of usingPolygonum japonicum as a P accumulator for P phytoextraction from soils amended with swine manure. Applied Soil Ecology, 2017, 112: 11-17. (共同一作,二区,IF= 2.786)

15. Daihua Ye, Tingxuan Li, Dan Liu, et al. P accumulation and physiological responses to different high P regimes inPolygonum hydropiper for understanding a P-phytoremediation strategy. Scientific Reports, 2015,5, 17835. (第一作者,IF= 5.228)

16. Daihua Ye, Tingxuan Li, Zicheng Zheng, et al. Root physiological adaptations involved in enhancing P assimilation in mining and non-mining ecotypes ofPolygonum hydropiper grown under organic P media. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2015, 6, 36. (第一作者,二区,IF= 3.948)

17. Daihua Ye, Tingxuan Li, Haiying Yu, et al. P accumulation ofPolygonum hydropiper, soil P fractions and phosphatase activity as affected by swine manure. Applied Soil Ecology, 2015,86, 10-18. (第一作者,二区,IF= 2.644)

18. Daihua Ye, Tingxuan Li, Huang Xia, et al. P accumulation potential ofPolygonum hydropiper, grown in high P media. CLEAN-Soil, Air, Water, 2015,43: 279-286.(第一作者,IF= 1.838)

19. Daihua Ye, Tingxuan Li, Xizhou Zhang, et al. P uptake characteristics and P removal potentials ofPilea sinofasciata grown under soils amended with swine manure. Ecological Engineering, 2014,73, 553-559. (第一作者,二区,IF= 3.041)

20. Daihua Ye, Tingxuan Li, Guangdeng Chen, et al. Influence of swine manure on growth, P uptake and activities of acid phosphatase and phytase ofPolygonum hydropiperChemosphere, 2014,105, 139-145. (第一作者,TOP,IF= 3.34)

21. 李玉洁, 沈启维,张澳,刘丹,叶代桦*,李廷轩.畜禽粪便处理下矿山生态型水蓼磷积累及去除能力研究.草业学报,2021.录用待刊(通讯作者)

22. 卿悦,李廷轩,叶代桦,等. 无机氮处理对矿山生态型水蓼氮积累及根系形态的影响.草业学报, 2019,29:203-210. (第三作者)

23. 李廷轩,叶代桦,张锡洲,等.植物对不同形态磷响应特征研究进展.植物营养与肥料学报, 2017,23:1536-1546. (第二作者)

24. 叶代桦,李廷轩,张锡洲,等.高磷对矿山生态型水蓼磷富集特性的影响.植物营养与肥料学报, 2014,20: 186-194. (第一作者)

25. Jingyi Guo, Xizhou Zhang,Daihua Ye, et al. Crucial roles of cadmium retention in nodeII for restraining cadmium transport from straw to ear at reproductive period in a grain low-cadmium rice line (Oryza sativa L.). Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2020,205, 111323. (第三作者,TOP,IF= 4.872)

26. Lei Du, Xizhou Zhang, Zicheng Zheng, et al. Paddy soil nutrients and stoichiometric ratios as affected by anthropogenic activities during long-term tillage process in Chengdu Plain. Journal of Soils and Sediments, 2020,20:3835-3845.(第八作者,IF=2.763)

27. Keji Wang, Haiying Yu, Xizhou Zhang, et al. A transcriptomic view of cadmium retention in roots of cadmium-safe rice line (Oryza sativa L.).Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2021,418, 126379. (第四作者,TOP,IF=10.588)

28. Keji Wang, Haiying Yu,Daihua Ye, et al. The critical role of the shoot base in inhibiting cadmium transport from root to shoot in a cadmium-safe rice line (Oryza sativa L.). Science of The Total Environment, 2021,765, 142710. (第三作者,TOP,IF=7.963)


1. 联系电话:13880441713

2. E-mail:daihua.ye@sicau.edu.cn

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